Cleveland Construction, Inc. is joining other construction industry stakeholders to participate and promote two events focused on improving construction safety: Safety Week 2021 and Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) National Safety Stand-Down. Both industry-wide initiatives aim to raise awareness of developing a positive safety attitude to bring our safest, most productive, best selves to work every day.
During the week of May 3-7, 2021, our company's active construction project sites around the country will promote Safety Week 2021 and ask that everyone bring a healthy safety attitude to work and contribute to the positive safety culture of the jobsite. Each project site will hold various activities during safety week that may include; mass safety stand-downs with company executives, safety demonstrations, toolbox talks, giveaways, project tours with leadership, and appreciation lunches.
Along with participating in Safety Week 2021, Cleveland Construction is also joining OSHA in National Safety Stand-Down to focus on the importance of fall prevention. The OSHA National Safety Stand-Down was established to raise fall hazard awareness across the country to stop fall fatalities and injuries.
"Almost all injuries involve someone saying after the fact... “I knew better” said Mitch DaDante, Cleveland Construction's Director Administration – Safety & Training. "It is so easy to lose focus and not be present, allow distractions of everything else going on in our lives to make us forget to work the safe way we know we should. This year more than ever, it is important to not let the distractions of life outside of work, including a global pandemic pull our focus away from working safely on our jobsites."
Our culture is to create a safe environment that will eliminate injuries to all workers on our projects and the public, and we believe that safety and quality can be accomplished without sacrificing productivity. We remind our employees that accident prevention starts and can only be achieved on our project sites, and it is the responsibility of all of our employees to make safe choices and contribute to our safety culture.
Safety is not just talked about one week per year at Cleveland Construction; it is a significant part of who we are every day, from preconstruction to project completion.
"This year more than ever, it is important to not let the distractions of life outside of work, including a global pandemic pull our focus away from working safely on our jobsites." - Mitch DaDante, Cleveland Construction's Director Administration – Safety & Training
Follow Cleveland Construction's social media channels this week (May 3-7) as we share our stories and insights in celebration of Construction Safety Week and National Safety Stand-Down.